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Innovations in STEM Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic

An online symposium organised by Native Scientist.

The COVID-19 pandemic came by surprise, forcing science outreach and educational projects to quickly adapt and respond to the preventive restrictions imposed. This adaptation was accompanied by innovative methods of teaching and novel ways of taking science to target audiences.

Has your STEM educational project adapted well to the new learning environments generated by the current pandemic? What have you learned in the process? We would like to know all about it!

In collaboration with Lancaster University and the University of Tübingen, Native Scientist is organizing an online symposium, “Innovations in STEM education during the COVID-19 pandemic”, which will take place on the 23rd April, 10AM-12:30PM GMT. This event will gather people and organizations involved in science education and outreach to discuss changes in STEM educational programmes that have been taking place during this pandemic period.

The main goals of this event are to discuss and share experiences on how projects and organizations have adapted their activities, and to identify innovative measures and potential synergies that could have a positive impact and result in more and better science education and outreach. Most importantly, we would like this symposium to be the beginning of an European community of science communicators and educators.

To register for this event please follow this link:

There are available slots for presentations during the “Slam session” for people who collaborate with a STEM education project or organization that kept on working during the pandemic and wish to share their insights. Please apply to present using the following link:

If you have questions about this event, check our FAQ sheet here or contact the organising committee by emailing Carina (

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the University of Tübingen (STEM+LANG Exploration Fund) and from Lancaster University (ESRC IAA Bilingual STEM) in the organization of this event.



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